Terms and Conditions


  1. Customer Agreement – The use of services from Hosted BDR are subject to the terms and conditions listed below, and are subject to change without notification. The exceptions to the Terms and Conditions can be found in the existence of a signed Service Agreement (SA). All changes, modifications, alternations and enforcement of the Terms and Conditions is at the discretion of Hosted BDR LLC. Hosted BDR assumes that once a customer has used Hosted BDR’s services for a 30 day period, that they accept the terms stated in their corresponding Service Agreement (SA) or here within the Terms and Conditions.
  2. Passwords/Credentials – The customer is solely responsible for maintaining the passwords for the services provided. There may be a service account that resides within the leased resources for maintenance purposes, however if the credential for that account gets compromised, Hosted BDR is not responsible for any lost and/or compromised user credentials.
  3. Copyright – Any use of Hosted BDR’s trademarks, services, or content without prior written consent is strictly prohibited.
  4. Support – Standard Support hours are from 7a-5p CST, Monday – Friday. After hours and emergency support calls will be billed at a cost of $350/hr unless otherwise specified in a signed Service Agreement (SA). Any after hours or emergency support calls must be placed via phone call (email requests are not accepted). Prices are subject to change at any time. Standard support rate is billed at $175/hr. 
  5. Service Level Agreement – Service Level Agreements (SLA) are only offered with the existence of signed Service Agreements (SA). Without the existence of an SA between Client and Host, support is offered in a best effort, during business hours model. The standard hourly rate is $175/hr, which is subject to change at any time. Any support offered outside Standard Support hours is subject to the $350/hr rate. An SA is required for a customer to place a high priority support case.  
  6. Digital Intrusion – Protection of digital intrusion of online resources is not the responsibility of Hosted BDR. Clients are encouraged to take measures to protect their leased resources. Hosted BDR IS NOT responsible for any loss of service and or data due to malicious digital attacks.
  7. Billing – Statements will be sent out on the 1st of the month. If not received by the 21st of the month a late fee may be rendered unto the account. Statements may be delivered via paper or electric format. Late fees are assessed at 3% of the balance due per month. Late fees are subject to change at any time. Invoices are sent in rears, Clients are charged for services already rendered. After the 15th day of the Month the Client is charged for the full month of service.
  8. Privacy – For information on privacy please see our Privacy Policy.
  9. Terms of Use – The use of our services are subject to the Terms and Conditions listed in this document, and are subject to change at any time at the discretion of Hosted BDR LLC.
  10. Warranty – All services rendered are delivered “as is” and are not covered by any sort of warranty and/or guarantee. Both the physical hardware and the software that reside upon the leased resources are property of Hosted BDR and are not owned in any way shape or form by the client. No warranty for the services is rendered. Should a client place their own digital media upon a leased resource of Hosted BDR, that resource’s ownership is still retained by the client, however that is limited to any media not purchased/leased from Hosted BDR. There may be a time or period of time where services are unavailable, there is no guarantee or reimbursement for such periods of time. Hosted BDR is not responsible for any loss of any property or damages incurred, regardless of reason. If a customer damages, moves, or tampers with any physical device lease from Hosted BDR, while still owned by Hosted BDR, all SLA and liability is voided. If any cost is incurred to repair hardware damaged while in the customer’s care, it is up to Hosted BDR to determine if the cost of replacement should be billed back to the customer. 
  11. Bandwidth – there is no guarantee on bandwidth outside of a signed Service Agreement (SA). If there is an absence of SA then whatever bandwidth is available is the bandwidth delivered. Bandwidth is subject to change at any time at the discretion of the Host. Unlimited bandwidth is only available when paired to an SA, without an SA the standard fee is $.05/GB/Mo.
  12. VPN – A single site to site vpn tunnel will be made available to each customer. More are available at an additional cost of $35/Mo/site, unless otherwise stated within a signed Service Agreement (SA). Unless otherwise specified in a signed SA there are no assurances to bandwidth on persistent VPN tunnels. 
  13. Dissolution of Service – Upon the termination of services it is the Client’s responsibility to migrate their data from Hosted BDR, both for on-prem and/or from Hosted BDR’s cloud services. In the event that hardware owned by Hosted BDR is being actively leased, the bindings of the existing SA will be enforced. In the absence of an SA it is the Client’s responsibility to coordinate the return of the hardware to Hosted BDR. It is Hosted BDR’s choice if a local pickup is warranted or not. If the Client is on a month to month billing cycle then Hosted BDR needs to be notified in writting prior to the 5th business day of the month to avoid being charged for that current the month, as with all other products, Client is billed in rears. If the Client is shipping the remaining hardware back to Hosted BDR it needs to be received by the 21st day of that calendar month to avoid being charged for that current month to allow for inventory. If Hosted BDR is notified of the dissolution of service after the 5th business day of the month, or the hardware is received from shipment after the 21st day of the month, the following invoice will be the entirety of the previous month. If Client data still resides upon the hardware owed by the Hosted BDR, then the customer is charged as such, both locally and cloud based. If the Client needs the data off of Hosted BDR owned hardware, and there is no existence of an SA, it is the Client’s responsibility to retrieve their own data. If Hosted BDR agrees to assist in the data retrieval process, this is billed at either the standard hourly rate, or the after hours rate, depending on the time the work was performed. Hosted BDR reserves the right to choose to be involved with the migration of services, or to choose to not be. Any efforts which would be subject to both bandwidth fees and time spent.